Embrace Your Leadership Ascension with Pou Hine
Unlock your potential with Pou Hine a transformative coaching and leadership pathway for indigenous women. Our three-step program—Tōpū, Tahi, and Tua—decolonises learning and reindigenises your leadership journey, empowering you to lead with authenticity and strength. Celebrate your identity and amplify your voice with our global tribe from around the world.
For emerging leaders
LEADTōpū is the first step to decolonising leadership and reindigenising the pathway for a more inclusive and diverse learning experience. Time to rise.
For aspiring coaches
COACHTahi is first Indigenous coach training programme in the world. Learn how to coach at an international standard, from an indigenous worldview.
For visionary leaders
DREAMTua is for leaders who dream big and are ready to take radical responsibility for intergenerational wealth and health of self and the next generation.
For courageous leaders
SIMPLIFYAko atu, Ako mai is your exclusive 1-2-1 coaching experience with Rachel Petero. Limited to twelve clients annually. Secure your space today.
Hear from inspiring women
"This journey with Rise is a game changer - I'm a proud Graduate of the 2022 rōpū Te Puna Maruwehi - to all our wāhine that start their journey āpōpō - lean in, trust the process, step up & into your mana & enjoy the beautiful wave that is Mana Whakatōpū (A Kaupapa Māori leadership and coaching programme for wāhine Māori) mauri ora x" - Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi
"I am truly grateful and privileged to have gone through this process of becoming a Tahi Coach!!! This has been the most exhilarating and satisfying program I have been through that has totally opened my eyes as an Indigenous Wahine Toa (Strong Woman) of Aotearoa New Zealand! Ma te Kotahitanga e whai Kaha ai Tatou! In Unity We have Strength!" - Waikato-Tainui, Ngāti Whawhakia
"Loved the Mana Whakatōpū leadership and coaching journey with Rise for myself and our roopu Te Puna Maruwehi as we completed in 2022-23. Hope to see this continue for many more years xxx" - Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Maru
"My experience with Rise has been exceptionally rewarding for my personal and professional growth. Rachel and her Team go above and beyond supporting you in whatever capacity you need. To be supported by indigenous for indigenous is the best! Being involved with Rise you gain lifelong whanau, aiga and friends. When one woman Rises, we all Rise!" - Faleasiu, Solosolo, Vailima & Papauta Samoan, Chinese
"Kia ora koutou! Words cannot fully express the impact that the Tahi coaching programme has made on my life's journey. The aroha and the depth of thought and intention that has gone into the development of this uniquely indigenous training is more that I could have imagined. Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe, me he maunga teitei! Tihei Mauri Ora! Cat Rikihana" - Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe me Waitaha
"Rise was a key turning point in my life, and has helped me step into a life that I love as a Business Coach. I'm so grateful for the training, mentoring, support and ongoing opportunities that have arisen from being a part of the Rise Tahi programme." - Waikato me Ngāti Māhanga

Tō tātou kaupapa
Our purpose
Transforming the lives of indigenous women and their families is why we get out of bed in the morning. We know that connection is one of the top three reasons you arrive here. Let us help you connect to what is important.
Indigenous coaching is our unique place in the world. Our programmes are about community over course numbers and purpose over profitability. You choose which development pathway works for you. Start your transformation with us today!
Ō tātou hoa pakihi - Our partners
Kāinga Ora
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
Pacific Cooperation Foundation
Shopify E-Commerce
Te Ohu Whai Ao

Ō tātou tāngata
Our people
Based in Aotearoa, New Zealand Rise is 100% indigenous-owned and operated. Our core team is a mix of Māori and Pacific Island women with diverse industry, community and tribal expertise. Rise is growing coaches in your country, learn how to join our tribe.