Why we do what we do...
We’re on a mission to help indigenous women rise
In ways that enhance mana, feed ambition & feel content

To rise can mean many things.
For some it means to heal and move on. Others, it means
to try for best or better. It can encompass a refusal to
remain stagnated or stoop low. Or celebrate and raise the
roof on our progress and amazingness. For all, it inspires
a plentitude of gratification whether socially, culturally,
mentally, physically, financially, professionally or personally.
For our brand it focuses on this idea in three main ways:
Firstly, from an indigenous perspective it speaks to ‘rise’ as
enhancement of mana. A universal Polynesian concept for
the life force, power and essence that runs through all
living things.

Secondly, it talks to feeding ambition. Providing energy,
pace, motivation and drive to empower and embolden
you and what you deem successful.
Thirdly, it encapsulates a mindful and more grounded state.
Representing the unique benefits of feeling well, connected
and appreciative of what is (not what was or will be).